torsdag 27. desember 2012
OIO Review :: The Rival Bid , Release "Hail to thee", (January 31st 2013)
The Rival Bid , Release "Hail to thee", (January 31st 2013)
LABEL: The Catbomb
DISTRIBUTION: Believe Digital
Clean, ambitious and sometimes even close to pompous alternatives characterize the fortcomming 2013 "Hail to thee" release from Rival Bid.
As the major part of the tracks escalate in an elegant and proper manner, the compilation mixes it all pretty perfect up with solid easy-going good-flows inbetween with the lovely
#2 Lojality Lies as a sweet sample . The dominated deliverables out of their comfort atmoshere is a killer combo of minimal and dreamy indie poprock, and their fine monumental though sweet soundscape.
Well done.
Few occations it all cuts down to the downtempo bone laidback session, as it goes with e.g. "Let it out" track.
New York on the other hand is an uptempo catchy gathering, with sweet synth add-ons and so appropriate airiness.
Congrats with the release. This is a good one.
OIO Score : 5/6
// Oslo Indie Office, Norway
tirsdag 11. desember 2012
OIO Review :: Twilight Empire:: Falling / Kindred Spirits (December 2012)
Twilight Empire (Switzerland) :: Falling / Kindred Spirits (December 2012)
The great post-punk lineup of Zürich based Twilight Empire is out with a 2 tracks release, after the super solid self titled debut release last year.
The magic first. Track 2 'Kindred Spirits' ..simply a 4:40 unique masterpiece of a killer combo of native constructed monumental atmposhere and dark, downtempo post-punk. It all escalates, get dreamy and intence, loaded with both well placed airiness and energic elegant indie soundscapes.
Track 2 'Falling' .. is on the other hand an uptempo, lively post-punk rock off that kicks of with great good-flows, whose winning shoe-gaze sphere goes all the way out.
This release turns out to be dramatic good, and easily runs into the category of 2012 releases that shows up in OIO Inner Circle 2012.
Good for you.
OIO Score 5/6.
// Oslo Indie Office, Norway
mandag 17. september 2012
OIO Release Review :: HANNE KOLSTØ (Norway) - Flashback.

Release date September 14th 2012 at Karmakosmetix Records label.
Elegant experimentals from the outstanding indietronic artist of Hanne Kolstø.The fresh September 2012 longplayer of Flashback, released at Karmakosmetix Records label,is a brilliant combo of innocent, downtempo tunes and supercatchy looped danceable sessions. It's sweet and dramatic. Catch it.
OIO Score : 5/6.
// Oslo Indie Office, Norway.
// Oslo Indie Office, Norway.
torsdag 13. september 2012
OIO Album Review :: SATELLITE STORIES (Finland) - Phrases to break the ice

Release date Sep 21st 2012 at the XYZ Berlin label.
The down-to-earth no-flashing come-as-u-go easy likeable fellows of the Oulu smalltown located hangouts of Satellite Stories, enters the somehow already international crowded playful indie pop atmosphere with their debut longplayer Phrases to break the ice. Though, with the sweet, sometimes slender tones they mashup their innocent soundscape with pretty catchy and interesting alternating session througout the album, and summarize it all with a rare collection of fresh alternative goodies from this year debut releases in the European indiepop scene, as major part of the album will suite the latenite indie dancefloors around pretty perfect.
Well done. OIO Score :: 5/6.
// Oslo Indie Office, Norway
fredag 20. april 2012
OIO Release Review :: SAMEBLOD (Sweden) - Braided Memos.

SAMEBLOD - Braided Memos.
Release April 20th 2012. Riot Factory labeled.
The rocket ready electronic lineup of Stockholm based Sameblod, serves an extraordinary collection of dancy and dreamy synth sessions at their debut album Braided Memos. Indie dancefloor-inviting hits like Loud and UR Road, combined with close and elegant chillwave samples in Until we see and Always.
A thoroughly solid and catchy debut long-player.
Congrats to Sameblod and Riot Factory. This is huge. Have a good one. We do.
OIO Score 5.
// Oslo Indie Office, Norway.
fredag 16. mars 2012
IMPOSSIBLE, 15. Mars 2012 Cafe Mono, Oslo.
15. Mars 2012 Cafe Mono, Oslo.
Impossible entret showet på en passelig stappet Mono scene i går kveld. Suveren atmosfære og Impossible i høytidsstemning i anledning sitt slipp av albumet Close Relations, som villig ble delt ut i vinyl format til fansen ved inngangen. Herlig.
Impossible spenner fra catchy danceables til indie folk pop, hele veien gjennomsyret av en genuin spilleglede, overraskende taktskifter og tøffe bassriff.
Fansen var på plass, de moret seg, danset og heiet, og kvelden er i boks. 'You Choose' blir lett en forsommer-hit.
En time tidligere i et noe del mere glissent lokale, leverte denne ukes 'NRK Ukas Urørt' Peter Estdahl sine nakne, uskyldige og strålende akustiske toner. Sterkt, og lett å tenke at dette
har enormt potensiale. I fokus fra nå.
OIO Score : 4
Oslo Indie Office.
cafe mono oslo impossible oslo indie office
torsdag 2. februar 2012
OIO Review :: Rugosa Nevada(UK) - Verona EP, out March 2012.

As you move into the quite interesting playground of catchy indie pop and playful, melodic indie synth rock, you'll be in favorite zone to the up and coming London based lineup Rugosa Nevada.
This March 2012 EP release def got huge potential. 'Verona', 'Hurricane' and 'Build to nothing' rocks off. Prepare for their forthcoming EP.
- Congrats guys.
Zoomed in at the Oslo Indie Office.
// Oslo Indie Office, Norway.
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